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NASB Voice Only Audio Bible,
Narrator, Stephen Johnston

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NASB Voice only Audio Bible, CD
by Stephen Johnston
Price: $79.95
Binding: CD
Pub Date: September 2007
ISBN: 9781598561166

Known for its word-for-word literal accuracy, the New American Standard Bible, updated edition, is the number one choice for in-depth inductive Bible study.

58 high quality CDs have been digitally mastered in stereo for enhanced listening enjoyment. This fresh reading by master narrator Stephen Johnston of the whole NASB includes helpful and informative introductions for each book of the Bible.

The CDs come packaged in their own top-quality carrying case, providing a handy way to protect and organize these treasures for years to come.


  • Voice only no musical background

  • Introductions to each book of the Bible

  • Packaged in a take-anywhere protective case

9781598561166 58 CD's in canvass carrying case $79.95



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