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The Amplified Audio Bible on CD

The Amplified Audio Bible on CD

The Amplified Audio Bible on CD - Complete New Testament

ISBN-10:7901006897 ISBN-13:9787901006898
Publisher: TAW Global - 2006-11
Format: Audio CD
Narrator: Steven B Stevens
Price $79.95

Finally, the bible people have been asking for is now in audio format. This translation is very popular with customers of all ages and backgrounds.
Compact design to conveniently fit on any retail self (actual size is: 5 1/8" H x 5 1/8" W x 2" D).

Do you hunger for more intimacy with your Heavenly Father?

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of His Word?

Do the demands placed on your time make it difficult to read the Bible consistently?

Now you can increase your understanding and time in the Word like never before. This is the first Amplified Audio Bible. The complete New Testament is an accurate word-for-word reading in 20 digitally mastered CDs.

Why Choose The Amplified Audio Bible?
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. There are shades of meaning found in these original Bible texts that can't be captured in a straight translation. The Amplified Bible uses additional English words to convey the full meaning of Scripture. Through this amplification you gain a better and clearer understanding of the original Bible text. If you want to understand all the rich nuances and shades of meaning of the original Bible languages, the Amplified Bible is for you. No knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required - just a desire to know all that God says in the Word.

The Amplified Audio Bible is free of personal interpretation and is independent of denominational prejudice, its easy to listen to and even easier to fully understand. No music or dramatization is used so you can listen to a clear unobstructed word-for-word reading.




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