Complete Four Views of the End Times DVD-based Small Group Study
Kit - Six Sessions By: Timothy Paul Jones ISBN: 1596364122
ISBN-13: 9781596364127 Publisher: Rose Publishing
(2010-07-21) DVD-ROM | List Price: $89.99 Product
Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.6 x 1.8 inches
What is This Study About?
What does the Bible actually say about the end times that
lead to the return of Jesus Christ? TV shows and movies throw
around words such as Antichrist, Great Tribulation, Rapture,
666, and the Second Coming of Christ, but what do the Scriptures
say? The differing ideas that divide believers into four major
points-of-view are examined in the Four Views of the End Times.
This DVD-based study (for personal or group use) explains each
view objectively:
- Dispensational Premillennialism
- Amillennialism
- Postmillennialism
- Historical Premillennialism
Speaker Dr. Timothy Paul Jones shows diagrams and discusses
each of the four main positions, how each came about, which
Scriptures are used to support the view, a time line of the
view's popularity, and a sampling of Christian leaders both past
and present who support that view.
Who is This Study For?
This DVD-based study is perfect for small groups, Bible
studies, adult Sunday school, college or high school ministry or
for personal individual use. We've designed two kits for your
convenience: The Complete Study Kit provides all the needed
material for small group settings and the Leader Pack provides
the needed tools for personal, independent use. You just order
additional participant guides for each additional group member.
The Four Views of the End Times Complete Kit
- DVD with 6 teaching sessions, as well as
optional Q&A sessions
- One printed participant guide
(additional participant guides needed for each participant
in study)
- One printed leader guide
- One Four Views of the End Times pamphlet
with side-by-side comparisons of each view
- CD-ROM with optional
PowerPoint ® presentation, and PDF files for
posters, fliers, handouts and bulletin inserts for promotion
as well as a PDF of the leader guide
What Will My Group Get Out of This Study?
By the end of the six-session study, the participants will
have a good knowledge of the biblical terms and passages
regarding the Second Coming of Christ. They will understand the
basics of each of the four views. They will understand these key
- Jesus will come again for those who love
him, just as he promised.
- Jesus calls his followers to be ready
all the time.
- No one knows the day or the hour he will