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Complete Kit for Redeemed: Seeing the Messiah in the Book of Ruth 6-Session DVD Bible Study
ISBN: 1596369515 ISBN-13: 9781596369511
Publisher: Rose Publishing
DVD | List Price: $99.99
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.6 x 2.3 inches

Redeemed: Seeing the Messiah in the Book of Ruth Complete Kit Is your life not turning out as you had hoped? Has God disappointed you? The trials of life test us to see if we will trust in the promises of God. On the surface, the book of Ruth would appear to be about love and friendship, and that certainly is a theme. However, more profoundly it is the story of people of Israel and the need for a Redeemer. In the same way, God desires to redeem your past and restore your future, so that you may find fulfillment in His gracious love! In these six sessions of Redeemed: Seeing Christ in the Book of Ruth DVD, you'll learn: The historical background to the book of Ruth. What marriage, widowhood, and redemption meant in Bible times. How Ruth, a destitute foreigner, becomes an ancestor of Jesus Christ. How Naomi moves from bitterness to blessedness. How Boaz as a kinsmen-redeemer points to our ultimate redeemer-Jesus Christ. Enjoy fantastic section-by-section commentary and insights into the historical and biblical background of Israel at that time, such as- Naomi had a social status lower than a servant once her husband and sons died. Ruth took home more than 10 times the average salary of harvesters when she worked in Boaz's field. When Ruth asked Boaz to "spread the corner of his garment" over her, she is asking him to make a symbolic gesture for marriage (plus you will find out how this particular act points to our redemption and covenant with Christ). You don't have to be an expert to lead this six-session study. Perfect for Sunday school, small groups, Bible studies, or personal use. Ages: Young adult to adult, men or women. The Six Sessions include: Light in the Darkness Naomi's Faithlessness Ruth's Faithfulness Surprising Grace The Law of Love Redemption This Complete Kit contains everything you need to get started: 1 DVD with six 20-to-30 minute sessions 1 CD-ROM with PDF files with printable posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts, and banners 1 Leader Guide (Printed and a PDF for your iPad or tablet.) 1 Participant Guide (Printed) with session outlines, discussion and application questions, definitions, and extra information. Buy additional Participant Guides for each person. 1 Ready-to-use PowerPoint ® Presentation packed with over 100 full-color slides 1 250-page book: Book of Ruth: Hope Fulfilled in the Redeemer's Grace by Sam Nadler 1 Ruth pamphlet






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