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How We Got the Bible

How We Got The Bible 6-Session DVD Bible Study
By: Dr. Timothy Paul Jones Rose Publishing
ISBN:1628622067 ISBN-13:9781628622065
Publisher: Rose Publishing (2015-07-16)
CD-ROM | 100 Pages | List Price: $29.99 (USD) | Sales Rank: 298632
Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.3 x 0.6 inches

From Moses to Gutenberg, easily find out how we got the Bible we have today and discover why we can trust it with this 6-session DVD study on the history of Bible! Dive into the fascinating stories of the people who risked their lives to print and distribute the Word of God (Tyndale, Wycliffe, etc). Perfect for personal or small group use. Have you ever wondered where the Bible came from? Who wrote the books of the Bible and how did they end up together? Perhaps you have been asked by a friend or coworker about books that were cut out of the Bible. Through the six sessions in this Bible history DVD, expert Dr. Timothy Paul Jones will guide you and your class through important questions about the Holy Bible to show you why it can be trusted. Packed with stunning visuals, dramatic stories, and illustrative animations, this exciting Bible History curriculum will take you from the earliest clay tablets and papyrus copies to the first bound Bible and the various Bible translations that we use today! Click here for an overview of the six sessions. You don't have to be an expert to lead this six-session study. Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, or personal use. With this history of the Bible DVD study, you will discover: 4 Ways the Bible is Unlike Any Other "Holy Book" What it means when we say that the Bible is inspired and inerrant What people did to preserve the text of the Bible over the centuries How we know that the Old and New Testament is reliable The stories behind names like John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Gutenberg, and King James I How We Got the Bible DVD-based Study Sessions Include Session 1: What's So Special About the Bible Session 2: How We Got the Old Testament Session 3: How We Got the New Testament Session 4: How the Books of the New Testament Were Chosen Session 5: How the New Testament Was Copied Session 6: How We Got the Bible in English Find out fascinating facts as you get a solid overview of Bible-making history. In a fun and highly visual way, expert Dr. Timothy Paul Jones brings history to life. Enjoy learning important terms, key Scripture, and incredible insight that will help you establish a strong understanding of the Bible's reliability. The text of the Bible is better preserved than the writing of Plato or Aristotle. There is more than 99% agreement between all of the known manuscripts of the Bible. There are over 5,700 manuscripts of the New Testament compared to 210 surviving copies of Plato. Every book in the New Testament was written down before the eyewitnesses of Jesus passed away.






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