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EG White Prophets and Kings-Audio MP3

EG White Prophets and Kings-Audio MP3

Prophets and Kings, Audio Mp3
Price: US $49.95
Audio CD Copyright: 2005
Remnant Publications,
ISBN: 1883012163

The Rise and Fall of a Chosen Nation

As time races beyond AD 2000, billions of us crowd and jostle each other on this aging planet. Yet only a few bear names known everywhere on the globe.

And over the full span of time on earth, only the names of a few endure to be recognized even today. Among those are the giants of history whose stories are vividly retold on these audio CDs: Solomon, Elijah, Daniel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, among others.

Prophets and Kings is the second in a five-volume set that covers all of human history from the beginning of our time €œand on into the future. This audio book begins with the reign of King Solomon and ends just prior to the first advent of Jesus Christ.

But dont expect to hear a record of history as perhaps youve read it in textbooks! And dont expect the recital of events as you hear of them on the evening network news. For in this magnificent volume, we see history as God sees it €œnot as a series of random and isolated events, but as the emergence of His master plan for this planet and those who live on it.

Prophets and Kings makes clear that above and beyond and behind everything that happen is the unseen hand of the President of the Universe €œthe Creator of us all. When so much happens that seems to make no sense, its reassuring to discover that the President does indeed know what Hes doing.




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