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Inspired By The Bible Experience; Audio

Denzel Washington, Blair Underwood,
Angela Bassett, Juanita Bynum, Shirley Caesar, Kirk Franklin and more.

Inspired By The Bible Experience; Audio

Inspired By: The Bible Experience: New Testament
Today's New International Version

Format:Audio CD, Unabridged
Size:6.3 in. wide x 9.1 in. high x 1.7 in. deep (Metric:160 mm x 231 mm x 43 mm)
Weight:1.13 lb
(512 gm)
ISBN: 0310926319
Available:October, 2006

Hear the words of the Bible brought to life like never before. Inspired By... The Bible Experience: New Testament Audio CD is a fully-dramatized reading of the Bible performed by an unprecedented ensemble of distinguished African-American actors, musicians, and personalities. The cast, including recognizable voices as Denzel Washington, Blair Underwood, and Angela Bassett, reads the Bible using the accessible and trusted Today's New International Version (TNIV).
Hear the words of the Bible brought to life like never before. Inspired By... The Bible Experience: New Testament Audio CD is a fully-dramatized reading of the complete Bible performed by an unprecedented ensemble of distinguished African-American actors, musicians, and personalities.

The cast is scheduled to include such recognizable voices as:

  • Denzel Washington
  • Blair Underwood
  • Angela Bassett
  • Juanita Bynum
  • Shirley Caesar
  • Kirk Franklin and more.

* The dramatization is further enriched by an original musical score composed by Grammy award? winning producers. And the recording is truly contemporary, using the accessible and trusted Today's New International Version (TNIV) of the Bible. The features of The Bible Experience provide a rich listening experience, helping you hear the words of Scripture as if for the first time. The Bible Experience is available in both traditional and mp3 CD formats.

Every TNIV Zondervan Bible you purchase helps International Bible Society translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.






9780310926320 Audio MP3 8 MP3 Discs Complete Bible $69.99
9780310926337 Audio MP3 2 MP3 Discs $34.99



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