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Peace in our time?

Peace in our time?: Some biblical groundwork

Peace in our time?: Some biblical groundwork

Author: David John Atkinson

ISBN: 080280179X
Publisher: W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co - 1986
Format: Paperback

Christians respond in many ways to threat of war. Too often that response is fired by prejudice, by "widely-held opinions," and particularly by fear. In this book David Atkinson lays out some of the theological groundwork needed for an exploration of Christian ways of establishing justice and making peace.

This book does not talk military or venture into political decisions or tell anyone how to think or how to vote. Instead, in a clear and sensible manner, it sketches out some Christian theological themes that should have relevance for ordinary Christians who want to think through a biblical approach to this very important and timely issue.






080280179X Paper white $6.95



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