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Theology and Violence

Theology and Violence: The South African Debate

Theology and Violence: The South African Debate

Author:Charles Villa-Vicencio

ISBN: 0802803598
Publisher: Eerdmans Pub Co - January, 1988
Format: Paperback

"This extraordinary book is a true breakthrough, the first truly South African theology, rooted in the black struggle itself and not in secondhand hermeneutical categories. Although Moslasa can and does use the most refined approaches of recent hermeneutical method, the book is recast in a project that makes clear how much both theoretical and personal commitment must inform a theology that actually under girds the struggle against apartheid. Mosala's friendly but sharp critique of allan Boesak and Desmond Tutu suggests the internal vigor of South African-Black theology and reveals the author as a fresh, new and vigorous voice in Christian theology worldwide." Harvey Cox

0802803598 Paper white $14.95



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