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Apartheid Is a Heresy

Apartheid Is a Heresy

Apartheid Is a Heresy

Author: John W. DeGruchy (Editor) Charles Villa-Vicencio (Editor)
ISBN: 0802819729
Publisher: Eerdmans Pub Co - October, 1983
Format: Paperback

decision by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches to declare apartheid sinful and the theological and moral justification of it a heresy, writes South African theological Allan Boesak in his Forward to this volume, "means that apartheid is taken from its political framework and placed in the center of the life of the church. Dealing with the very heart of the Gospel: the Table of the Lord."

The Church in South Africa, says Boesak, is in the forefront of a worldwide battle for justice, peace, human liberation, and generation reconciliation. "The question is, will we have the courage to grasp this opportunity and witness to the power of the Gospel in a new way in South Africa, thereby giving new hope to the whole Church of Christ in the world?"

The contributors to this volume are Christian leaders who have grasped the urgency of this question. They have written these essays to clarify the issue and to challenge the Churches and their members to decide for or against the Gospel of Christ's reconciliation.

0802819729 Paper white $9.95



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