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Rekindling the Romance

Rekindling the Romance

by Dennis Rainey
ISBN-10: 0785200010 ISBN-13: 9780785200017
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - September 2004
Format: Hardcover
List price: USD 19.99
Pages/Length: 224
Trim Size: 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publishing Date: 09/01/2004
category: Family Relationships/Marriage


Deep within every marriage is a God-given desire for intimacy. By Gods design, romance is supposed to be the flame in the fireplace. It includes warmth, security, and, of course, sexual intimacy.

Yet far too many Christian couples feel cheated because their marriage produces about as much spark as a book of wet matches. For them the kids, the long hours at the office, the bills, health issues, and even feelings of guilt leave them drained. Others have neglected to fan the flames of passion for so long that they have lost hope of experiencing romance. Their relationship has become as routine as it is lifeless. Some are so puzzled by the whole affair they have come to the wrong conclusion that God has withheld something good from them. In short, romance in marriage can be a challenge and a mystery.

Rekindling the Romance is organized into a collection of short, easy-to-digest, biblically based chapters. Packed with practical insight, this tastefully candid and inviting resource provides the Christian couple with the keys to unlock their relational and sexual intimacy.




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