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A Skeleton in God's Close

A Skeleton in God's Close

A Skeleton in God's Closet

By Paul L. Maier
Format: Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.40 x 8.30 x 1
Page Count: 352
Trade Paper
ISBN: 1595540024
ISBN-13: 9781595540027

An ancient skeleton is discovered in Israel-will it shed new light on the life of Jesus or cause the world to doubt?

Dr. Jonathan Weber, Harvard professor and biblical scholar, is looking forward to his sabbatical year on an archaeological dig in Israel. But a spectacular find that seems to be an archaeologist's dream-come-true becomes a nightmare that could be the death rattle of Christianity.

Carefully researched and compellingly written, A Skeleton in God's Closet explores the tension between doubt and faith, science and religion, and one man's determination to find the truth-no matter what the cost.

9781595540027 Paperback white 14.99



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