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More Than a Skeleton

More Than A Skeleton

More Than a Skeleton
It Was One Man Against the World
Trade Paper
By Paul L. Maier

Format: Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.40 x 8.40 x 1.10
Page Count: 352
ISBN: 1595540032
ISBN-13: 9781595540034

Jonathan Weber was at the helm of an action-packed archaeological dig in A Skeleton in God's Closet. Now, in More Than a Skeleton, Dr. Weber plays an integral part in the investigation of what is either a convincing, dangerous hoax or the return of Christ.

When Joshua Ben-Yosef, an Israeli from Galilee-born in Nazareth to parents Mary and Joseph-begins assembling twelve followers, attracting crowds, and performing miracles, the world takes notice. Could Dr. Melvin Merton, well-known leader and author of end times books, have been correct about the imminent return of Christ? It seems everyone is a believer in this "Messiah," including Weber's wife, Shannon-especially when Joshua performs the "ultimate sign" by raising his disciple from the dead. Plagued by skepticism, Weber may be the only one who can intervene before the very foundations of the Christian faith are shattered.

9781595540034 Paperback white $14.99



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