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Privacy Policy

International Bibles is committed to your privacy. We actively protect our consumers privacy and security of all our customers. This statement of policy provides you with understanding of the measures we have taken that reflect our commitment to provide a safe and trustworthy interactive environment between International Bibles and you. We think international Bible Privacy Policy should give you confidence whenever you use our services -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.

What Information is Collected

Introduction to Information Collection There are two type of information that are generally available to sites when visited by users. We will address each one separately.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information - "Cookies"
International Bibles collects non-personally identifiable information through the use of a software technology called "cookies". As a standard practice, we assign a random number to each user. This random number lets us keep track of "how many" times customers are doing specific things - like visiting our site each month - without really knowing who those customers are. This number is kept in a file on your computer and is referred to as a cookie. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to find out the identity of any user. Your cookie automatically identifies your computer - but not you - to our servers when you visit our site. Unless you specifically tell us, we will never know who you are, even though we assign your computer a cookie.

Lets define the non personally identifiable information that cookies allow us to collect. We are referring to information about your browser (e.g., Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer), operating systems (e.g., Windows or Macintosh), Internet service providers (e.g., AOL or mindspring.com, etc.) and other similar information which we track in aggregate form. Non-personally identifiable information that we track is anonymous and will never be identified with or lead us back to any of our visitors.

Among other things, this non-personally identifiable information allows us to know which areas are favorites, which areas need a bit of improvement, or what technologies and search services are being used by our customers so that we may continually improve our customers' online experiences.

Personally Identifiable Information

International Bibles only requests personally identifiable information from our visitors when you voluntarily submit such information. Such is the case when you complete your "Shopper Profile." You may also elect to tell us things that you want International Bibles to remember. We hope that, like many of our customers, you will want to provide information about yourself to us because it will make our Web site more valuable to you. If you are comfortable providing us with information about yourself, enhanced services are available to you that are impossible for us to offer to anonymous users. Examples of such enhanced services would be providing you with lists of the latest releases of your favorite Bibles. In these instances, we are able to retain information about you between computing sessions by using the cookie. The originally randomly assigned number now identifies you as a specific user as you have requested.

Information collected at the time of an order is obviously personally identifiable information. Your e-mail address is added to our database. Occasionally we will send you email communications to provide information which we think you will find useful, including information about new products, sales or enhanced services from International Bibles. In every such email, we will also have instructions on how to unsubscribe so that you will not receive any future emails from International Bibles if you do not wish to.

Unless we indicate otherwise, personally identifiable information will be used solely by International Bibles for internal purposes and will not be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties.

Use of Collected Information

International Bibles is always trying to provide you with a compelling reason to come back and visit our site again. Using information you have authorized us to keep on the site for you.

We also catalog traffic patterns throughout the site and analyze what our customers like and don't like about International Bibles current offerings so that we can design better product and sale selection.
We may use information about the kinds of products you buy from us to make other marketing offers to you, unless you tell us not to. We do not give out or sell this purchase data to others.

Occasionally we will send you email communications to provide information which we think you will find useful, including information about new products, sales or enhanced services from International Bibles. It is our policy only to send email to customers who give us permission to do so. In every such email, we will also have instructions on how to unsubscribe so that you will not receive any future emails from International Bibles if you do not wish to, or you can avoid receiving them altogether - see the "Opt-out Policy " below.

Information Distribution

The individually identifiable information that you provide will be used extensively within International Bibles to provide a personalized experience to you.
International Bibles will never willfully disclose individually identifiable information about its customers to any third party.
The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded, used to improve the content of our Web page and not shared with or sold to other organizations for commercial purposes.

Opt Out Policy - Your Choice
International Bibles puts control over communications directed to you where it belongs: In your hands. You can tell us if you don't want to receive communication from us such as email announcing sales, contests or new features. And, of course, you can always decline to provide the personal information to us in the first place.
Information Maintenance
It is not currently possible for an International Bibles customer to delete or deactivate their Favorite Bibles information from the database. However, we can offer you the ability to update your own personally identifiable information in the "Shopper Profile."
Information Security (not order processing security)
International Bibles ensures that all personally and non-personally identifiable information that it receives via the Internet is secure against unauthorized access. This information is kept in a safe and secure system isolated from direct connection to the Internet. This means that no eyes but ours will ever see the information that our visitors send to us, unless we indicate otherwise.

We use secure technology, privacy protection controls and restrictions on employee access in order to safeguard your personal information.
Links from Other Sites

Visitors will find links from International Bibles to independently owned, controlled and/or managed WWW sites. The links represent cooperative agreement established with the organizations hosting these sites of which we feel will benefit our community. While we initially visit these sites to which we directly link, please note that we do not control the content that appears on these sites and the content is likely to be constantly changing.
Please note that we may revise our above policy. We hope that you enjoy exploring our site and that you have increased confidence in the privacy of the information you entrust to International Bibles. Thank you.


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