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Church Administration in the Black Perspective

Church Administration in the Black Perspective

Church Administration in the Black Perspective Floyd Massey,Samuel Berry McKinney
ISBN: 0817014535
ISBN-13: 9780817014537
Publisher: Judson Press
Format: Paperback

Church Administration in the Black Perspective, first published in 1976, has become a classic reference manual. African American pastors through the years have looked to this informational guide as a source for details on church structure, management, and organization. This resource addresses the particular needs of the pastor and church staff who have been charged with the responsibilities of administration in the black church context. Not only does this revised edition feature updated language, but it also includes fresh information in such areas as budgeting and the use of modern technology. The authors supply detailed information on creating a church budget, and discuss the role websites, computer technology, and cable access television can play in helping churches to carry out their mission. The book includes guidelines for effectively organizing church boards and committees, as well as details pertaining to overall church structure. The authors' perspectives are well grounded in the experience of the African American Christian community, as the text explores how the African heritage and slave experience have molded black church traditions. The authors bring to the writing of this book a blend of practical and academic experience. Book jacket.

9780817014537 Paper white $12.99


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